Glenview Construction Updates

We understand there are many questions regarding the circumstances and timelines for the rebuilding of the Glenview Public School gymnasium.  This page contains updates and information for families, staff and the Glenview PS community. 

July 18, 2024 - Glenview Gymnasium and Site work

Below you will find the Work site progress as of July 18, 2024 

June 28, 2024 - Glenview PS Gymnasium Update

June 28, 2024

Dear Glenview Public School community,

I hope you and your families enjoyed a fun last day of school today. 

With the approval of the Ministry of Education and the continuing advocacy and support of MPP Natalie Pierre, we continue to make progress toward the new gym construction. I’m happy to share with you that construction on the new gym will begin on Tuesday, July 2. 

The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. A safety plan has been developed to ensure the safety of the school community throughout construction, both in the summer months and when students and staff return in September. 

During the summer months, the entire west side of the school will be fenced off. This includes the parking lot, previous garden area and beyond the playground swings. 

We will provide construction updates through the Glenview Construction Updates webpage during the summer to keep you informed on the progress. We remain optimistic that we will be able to open the gym in January 2025. 

Prior to school starting in September, we will provide additional information about procedures in place to ensure the safety of students and staff once they return to the building. 

Thank you for your continued support and patience. 

Have a wonderful long weekend and a safe and relaxing summer. 


Nick Frankovich

Superintendent of Education

June 20, 2024 - Glenview PS Gymnasium Update

June 20, 2024

Dear Glenview Public School community,

I am writing to provide an update on our new gym. As you know, the Government of Ontario provided approval for the Halton District School Board (HDSB) to construct a double gymnasium at Glenview PS. The tender process, which closed on May 31, revealed that the cost associated with this project exceeds the Ministry-approved budget. 

Requests to spend more than the approved budget can be made through a Minister’s exemption. HDSB Business Services, Facility Services and Planning teams are currently working with Natalie Pierre, MPP of Burlington, staff at the Ministry of Education, and the new Minister of Education, Todd Smith, to expedite the approval process.

HDSB Facility Services staff and the design team are working with City of Burlington staff to finalize the Site Plan Approval and Building Permit comments so both can be issued as soon as possible.

We have also scheduled a meeting in the coming days with the successful  contractor to ensure the project remains on track for when approvals are secured. It is our hope that this additional step will not impact our goal of opening the gym in January 2025. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work through this process. 


Nick Frankovich

Superintendent of Education

June 13, 2024 - Glenview PS Gymnasium Update

June 13, 2024

Dear Glenview Public School community,

I am writing to provide an update on the construction of the double gymnasium at Glenview PS. 

The tender for this project closed on May 31. This process has identified that the costs associated with building the new gymnasium are higher than what was previously approved by the Ministry of Education. 

Requests to spend a greater amount of the Halton District School Board’s Proceeds of Disposition than originally approved requires additional approval from the Ministry of Education. While we do not expect this to be a lengthy delay, construction will not begin on June 17 as originally planned.  

It is our hope that this additional step will not impact our goal of opening the gym in January 2025. We will provide further updates with additional information as it becomes available. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work through this process. 


Nick Frankovich

Superintendent of Education

Apr. 26, 2024 - Glenview PS Gymnasium Update

April 26, 2024

Dear Glenview Public School community,

I am very pleased to share the news that the Government of Ontario has provided approval for the Halton District School Board to construct a double gymnasium at Glenview PS. We have also received approval to move ahead with tendering the project so that construction can begin as soon as possible. 

We anticipate construction will begin in June. Our goal of opening the gym in January 2025 remains unchanged. 

The safety and well-being of our students and staff will remain our highest priority throughout the construction process. I will provide another update with additional information once we are notified of the date construction will commence.

For further information, please view the Q&A and timeline of events available on our Glenview Construction Updates webpage

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work toward creating a new and improved space for our school community. 


Reg Farnand


Feb. 6, 2024 - Glenview PS Gymnasium Update

Feb. 6, 2024

Dear Glenview Public School families,

I am writing to provide everyone with an update on our new gym. As you know, the gymnasium roof of Glenview PS collapsed last year and since then, we have been in the progress of constructing a new 6,450-ft2 double gym, which is nearly twice the size of our previous gym. 

Having presented preliminary site plans to the City of Burlington in December, our anticipated Municipal and Ministry approval dates have shifted within our timeline. However, I am pleased to share that we are still fully anticipating the gym to open in January 2025. 

Building a larger gym will ensure we are meeting both the current and future needs for the Glenview PS community. Although the process requires additional approvals and steps, the new facility will allow us to deliver enhanced physical education for years to come. 

The safety and well-being of students and staff is our highest priority. In anticipation of the upcoming construction activities, we have completed the pathway connecting our school to St. Matthew's Anglican Church to allow for ease of access for students and staff. We have also relocated the community garden to ensure continued access for the community to benefit from the garden without disruption. 

I appreciate your patience and understanding as we move through this process and I look forward to an improved facility that will reflect and meet the needs of our entire community. 


Reg Farnand


Aug. 29, 2023 - Information Session for Glenview PS Families

Aug. 29, 2023

Dear Glenview Public School families,

Thank you to everyone who joined us this afternoon for the information session. For those who were unable to attend, we are writing to provide you with a summary of the session. 

Background of School

What Happened

Families can review the detailed timeline of events. Below are the details of the collapse, as summarized by the structural engineer. 

Glenview School Inspections

Assessment of other HDSB Schools

Interim Measures

The HDSB has reviewed numerous options for alternate physical education spaces for this school year. We are looking to proceed with physical education at St. Matthew On The Plains and Active Aldershot. Partnerships with these facilities would begin in October/November 2023 as students are able to have physical education outdoors in the warmer months.

Please note that Active Aldershot would require students to cross the street at the crosswalk on Plains Road. We are exploring various options, including having parent/guardian volunteers walk with classes to support student safety, as well as a shuttle which could transport students and staff to the facility. We are requesting feedback from parents/guardians on these options, as we understand parents may have concerns about this. 

New Gym Plans

As the former gym does not meet today’s standards for size and amenities, we are proposing a new double gym that is 6450 sf, nearly double the size of the previous gym. You will find the approximate approvals and timelines below.

The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. During construction, we will have a detailed safety plan to ensure the safety of students, staff and families. 

Approvals and Timeline


Nick Frankovich

Superintendent of Education

Ian Gaudet 

Superintendent of Facility Services

July 10, 2023 - Update on Glenview PS Gym Roof 

Dear Glenview Public School families,

I am writing to update you on the Glenview PS gymnasium roof damage. I understand there are many questions regarding the circumstances and timelines of the gym roof collapse and the rebuilding of the gymnasium. 

I want to begin by underscoring that the safety and well-being of students and staff is our highest priority. We know parents/guardians entrust us with their children and we do not take that responsibility lightly. I know what it means to be a concerned parent and I can assure you that we would not allow our schools to open and operate if there was a risk to students. 

Since we updated you last Monday, HDSB Facility Services staff have taken a number of steps to address and investigate the gym roof collapsing and begin planning the rebuild, including:

We have developed a Q&A and timeline of events to help answer questions from families. The Q&A is based on questions we have been receiving. We encourage you to view the following documents:

I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. 


Nick Frankovich

Superintendent of Education

July 3, 2023 - Initial Notice to Glenview PS Families

Dear Glenview PS families,

We are writing to inform you that the gymnasium roof of Glenview PS collapsed over the weekend. As you may be aware, the gymnasium and stage were closed to students and staff prior to the end of the school year due to a safety concern. 

As a result of this safety concern, the HDSB had secured a structural engineering company to assess the gym on Thursday, June 29, 2023. 

As always, the safety and well-being of students and staff is our highest priority. The school will be closed to all visitors and staff until further notice. The HDSB continues to work with the structural engineers and a restoration company to determine next steps.

We understand there will be many questions regarding the circumstances and timelines for our rebuilding of the gymnasium. We will provide families with a more fulsome update in the weeks ahead. 

Wishing all of our Glenview families a great summer.


Reg Farnand -Principal

Nick Frankovich - Superintendent of Education